Summer time is happy and easy. People smile for no reason. I miss the jubilee of summer time. I miss constantly smelling like chlorine and little sticky hands from popsicles. I miss the feel of sand beneath my calloused feet. I miss the breeze through my hair as I coast down the hill on my bike. I miss sundresses and sandals. I miss the smell of warm grass baking in sunshine.

Summer is the time when we're free, where we can just be. I miss the laziness of summer. I miss the whirl of my ceiling fan. I miss the gritty concrete of the pool deck on my back. I miss summer naps in the cool shade of the big tree in the park. I miss slow walks with wandering conversations. I miss all day in my swim suit. I miss the warmth of sunshine on my closed eyes.
Summer is full of fun. I miss the excitement of summer. I miss bright eyes watching fireworks. I miss the car ride to the beach full of anticipation. I miss the pounding of loud music in my stomach. I miss the roar of roller coasters. I miss the garish colors of the morning. I miss doing stupid things with the people I love. I miss the icy rush through my veins when I sink into an unheated pool.

Summer is Beautiful and wondrous. I miss the mystery of summer. I miss summer besos. I miss midnight swims. I miss the rush of adrenaline pushing through my body when I almost get caught playing fugitive. I miss the pure joy of accidently running into your best friend around town. I miss summer crushes. I miss the vast summer sky.
I miss you summer.

great great photo choices!