Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"Le temps perdu"

Lost Time. I come home and do nothing and the result... le temps perdu.
I hate it and I love it. There is something about doing nothing that holds such an interest for me when I am doing something. And once I am doing nothing, something suddenly seems incredibly enticing. There's clearly no logic behind that. Though there rarely is any logic behind most of my thoughts. Thinking about it though where's the fun in being logical all the time? Imagination fuels the most complex discoveries. Thinking like no one else even dreams. Thats how we move forward. Everyone already knows what I'm saying, its just I'm saying it, thats what the difference is. I'm bothering to write down my mundane ideas and experiences. I always have a moment when I'm writing a post when I think how silly it really is because hardly anyone reads it and there's really nothing of consequence in it, but then I think of how Anne Frank says that her diary is just the musings of a teenage girl and how it is completely unimportant and how very wrong she was. And how much we rely upon her diary to accurately depict what trials her family and others in similar situations suffered through. And then I think there is no way my writings will ever be even a hundredth of what hers were, but still if she found it possible even to write a little bit, I can. I can write something trite and and unintelligible . I would never dream of comparing myself or my writing to Anne Frank's, but I do think its important to write down something, leave something behind. And in all my nothingness I think these things. So maybe its not such lost time after all. Or maybe Lost time just isn't so bad. Le temps perdu.

August 30th

Hello again blogger world!
This will have to be short and sweet for I'm running out of today and into tomorrow. Thats an interesting concept, but not really what I had in mind for today's post so we'll save that for a lazy day when time isn't of the essence. Today was the first of the new school year for me and it felt completely the same and entirely different from every other school year. Funny how things can be both, it makes me think of life like a van diagram two separate things with all the differences in the world still finding things in common where the edges of the circle overlap. I like when opposites meet a match.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Kreative K's Once-a-Days

So my friend Keenan and I are starting a project today, its a simple premise really,  I write a post at least once a day and he takes a photo at least once a day (he's a photographer and obviously I am hoping to be a writer). It will most likely be very difficult for me and very easy for him, he's the dependable, responsible sort and I ... well I'm the flakey unreliable sort. Hopefully doing this project with another person will inspire me to stick with it, you know having someone to hold you accountable and all, we shall see, we shall see. With this project I am really hoping to get more familiar with writing as more of a habitual routine and expand my creative horizon in writing. That is to say not all my posts will be substantial as I was hoping them to be previous to this, but as long as I write something I will be happy. I am very excited and can't wait to see the out come!

Keen's handiwork of course:

Saturday, August 7, 2010

lagging, lolling and leisurely

"Laying out by the pool and going to the beach." Thats been my answer for two months now. And every summer previous to this one I would have loved to give that answer even been proud of it perhaps. But this summer is different somehow. I don't like that answer, I'm unsatisfied with its emptiness, the vagueness. Its almost a conversation ender. What do you follow that up with? "Oh that sounds nice and relaxing" is what I get most of the time. Which is basically like saying oh you did nothing. And that is exactly what I feel like I want adventure and intrigue. And I have summer at home in my entirely and utterly unmysterious life. I yearn to be active and interesting to be learning in far off places about things i've only ever dreamed about. Sounds a bit trite, doesn't it? To be fussing over my summer plans or lack there of, when there are so many more important things happening in the world. But that is what is on my mind right now my lagging, lolling, leisurely summer. I like alliteration a lot, in fact that just lifted my spirits a bit. Here are some pictures I took from my not-so-exciting summer at home: