scratchy sheets are no good at soaking up tears or comforting you.
they don't make you feel warm and safe like a soft blanket would.
summer storms offer no relief from the heat, the rain is just as warm as the air.
empty promises bring more hurt than no words at all.
scratching my back until I fell asleep, then tucking me in and kissing my head.
telling me tails that taught me lessons and took me on adventures far away.
playing every game I could possibly imagine even if you were absurdly bored.
making my lunch every time I cried I was hungry, and keeping me safe and warm.
Grandmas never break promises they never make plans they cant meet.
they always find the missing sock and remember how you like your sandwich cut.
grandmas dont lie and never are late, patiently waiting for you.
grandmas comfort and protect just like a soft blanket would.
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